Photographs added to numerous public collections as part of "The Museum Project" directed by Robert Von Sternberg. See Vita...
May 2016
Photographs included in the exhibition "Color, Line and Form" at the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
February 2016
Photographs included in the exhibition "Nature Framed" and "Recent Acquisitions" at the Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida
January 2016
Photograph included in the exhibition "Weather or Not" at the Boise Art Museum,
September 12, 2015
Photographs included in a group show at DNJ Gallery in Santa Monica California
February 5, 2015
Two photographs are currently on the walls at the University of Louisville Photographic Archives.
January 25, 2015
Photograph is currently being used on the web page announcing a new show at the Riverside Art Museum
An aerial, reddish ground with green band ( no name credit listed )
January 12, 2015
Two photographs are on the walls at the Schneider Museum of Art in Recent Additions to the Collection.